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A member registered Jul 28, 2022

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I've played this game since 2022, how the times have changed.

This is a intentional bug, i think the servers were shut down so..... yeah

I'm probably trying this game out on mobile, i would report bugs that break the game

(1 edit)

try your game in multiple resolutions because of this.

this happens upon 720p screens.

-Upon falling into the hole after in blood city if you keep walking you can freeze into the air.

-You died screen is offset in lower resolutions.

-The message after killing the spiders will be offset

-You cannot pick another ending in lower resolutions, in order to you need to restart the game and pick another one.

well is it possible to run in 1366x768 or 16:9?

Its hard to make a mobile port, he may take a while to add one

add comments pls

(1 edit)

Here is another bug

music and practice music playing at the same time

I have a bug. Resolution Bug, in 1366x768 an average laptop resolution, the back button is unavailable in that resolution can you just add a setting to change the (user interface-UI) scale